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        1 - Consumer Culture in Commercial Complexes of Iran's Metropolises
        Mahdi Fallahi Hana Yazdanfar
        <p>This study examines consumer culture within commercial complexes in Iran's metropolises. Over the past two decades, Iran's major cities have witnessed significant developments in the construction of commercial complexes, which have also become symbols of social and c More
        <p>This study examines consumer culture within commercial complexes in Iran's metropolises. Over the past two decades, Iran's major cities have witnessed significant developments in the construction of commercial complexes, which have also become symbols of social and cultural significance. The aim of this research is to analyze the factors influencing the formation of consumer culture in these complexes and their social, cultural, and economic impacts. The primary issue addressed in this paper is how economic transformations, globalization, social changes, and modern technologies affect consumer culture in commercial complexes of metropolises. Specifically, the research question focuses on how these factors have altered consumption patterns and purchasing behaviors, and what effects they have on social interactions and cultural identity. The research methodology involves analyzing existing literature, conducting interviews with experts, and evaluating field data from various commercial complexes. This approach examines economic and social changes and their impact on consumer patterns, while also analyzing the effects of technology and globalization on consumer preferences. The findings indicate that commercial complexes function not only as shopping centers but also as important social and cultural spaces. Economic changes and increased household incomes have led to higher demand for luxury goods, while globalization and modern technologies have influenced consumer preferences. These complexes provide opportunities for social and cultural interactions and contribute to the economic development of metropolises.</p> Manuscript profile