Explaining the perception and manifestation of meaning in architectural spaces, based on teleology from the views of Kant and Coomaraswamy
Subject Areas :
Mahdi Baniasadi Baghmirani
Seyed Behshid Hosseini
azadeh shahcheraghi
1 - PhD Student, Department of Architecture, Department of Architecture, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Professor, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Arts, Tehran, Iran
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Teleology, Perception, Manifestation, Ananda Coomaraswamy, Emmanuel Kant.,
Abstract :
One of the most thought-provoking issues in modern Western and traditional thought is the issue of teleology in art. Explaining the perception and manifestation of meaning in traditional architectural spaces requires a detailed analysis in the field of modern art and traditional art teleology. The present study seeks to find a conceptual model to explain the perception and manifestation of meaning in architectural spaces by reflecting on the concept of teleology in the philosophical ideas of Kant and Coomaraswamy. This study is interdisciplinary, and by analytical approach, Kant and Coomaraswamy's views on the teleology of modern and traditional art have been explored. Then, the views of these two thinkers have been put together in the form of two types of outward and inward purposes to obtain a conceptual model based on it; Which provides the possibility of describing the perception and manifestation of meaning in traditional art and architecture. Based on this conceptual model, the purpose of this study is to investigate the purposefulness position in Western modern art and traditional Eastern art, to explain how meaning is perceived and manifested in architectural spaces. The main question of this research is how the concept of purpose is related to concepts of perception and manifestation of meaning in architectural spaces? Conclusion: In traditional architecture, people can perceive meaning by manifesting meaning in design and color. Accordingly, the main purpose is the perception unity and manifestation of meaning (aesthetic and glorious attributes) in architectural spaces. By manifesting multiple aesthetic traits with a single meaning in the architectural space, it is possible to perceive the meanings and glorious traits being the cause of violence in the observer.
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33. Explaining the perception and manifestation of meaning in architectural spaces, based on teleology from the views of Kant and Coomaraswamy