Investigating the Bionic Performance of Termites and Ants for Optimizing Ventilation and Energy
Subject Areas :Sara Habibi 1 , Solmaz Habibi 2 , Kaveh Shokouhi Dehkordi 3 *
1 - M.Sc. in Architectural Technology - Bionic, Rasam Higher Education Institute, Karaj, Tehran, Iran.
2 - M.Sc. in Architectural Engineering, Amol Higher Education Institute, Amol, Mazandaran, Iran.
3 - Assistant Professor of Architecture, Faculty of Arts and Architecture, Islamic Azad University, Roudehen Branch, Iran.
Keywords: Bionics, Natural Ventilation, Termite Nests, Ant Nests, Energy Conservation.,
Abstract :
To achieve harmony with nature, humans must conserve natural energy and resources while using them efficiently. This study primarily aims to investigate the bionic performance of termites and ants to optimize ventilation and energy consumption. Secondary objectives include examining termite and ant nests and their functional methods for creating natural ventilation, as well as their strategies for energy conservation. Termites and ants, known for building some of the most intricate subterranean nests with deep, interconnected systems, instinctively maintain stable temperatures, optimal airflow, and relative humidity throughout their nests. Their bionic behaviors serve as effective models for achieving natural ventilation and energy conservation. The research methodology is primarily analytical, involving an examination of termite and ant nests, their functional patterns, and an integration of all findings to achieve the ultimate goal of energy preservation. By gathering information from library and online sources, utilizing credible translated books and articles, and analyzing the functional mechanisms of termite and ant nests for natural ventilation, this study synthesizes and evaluates findings to derive actionable insights for optimizing ventilation and energy in architecture.The results of this research highlight how the behaviors of termites and ants in nest construction—focused on energy conservation and ventilation optimization—can serve as inspiration for developing bionic design ideas that promote harmony with nature.
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